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Four easy ways to transition into a low-waste home

Starting small can end up making the biggest impact.
March 23, 2020 11:24 a.m. EST
March 23, 2020 11:24 a.m. EST

There has never been a more important time to make your life a little more eco-friendly by taking on low-waste resolutions! Eco Expert Candice Batista shared four effective ways to reduce the waste your household produces by starting in the kitchen. From plastic food storage to paper towel rolls, kitchens often accumulate lots of unnecessary waste. Transitioning your home takes time, but these important tips will help you get started!


While this tip might seem like an obvious one, it's the most impactful. One way you can avoid excessive waste is by shopping in the bulk food/produce sections of your local grocery store. Always remember to keep extra reusable bags in your car or purse for any of your shopping and grocery store runs!

For food that has to be purchased in packaging, try to opt for ones in glass or aluminum paper rather than plastic as the recycling rate is better. Ultimately, your goal should be to cut back the amount of plastic that you bring into your home daily. 


Rather than purchasing and repurchasing items like paper towels, find household alternatives such as cleaning cloths. Not only can you wash and reuse cleaning cloths, but they also don't have to be rebought as often. Take a look at your storage closets and kitchen cupboards to see what you own before going out and buying more. You can even get creative with items that can no longer serve their purposes, such as old t-shirts and towels. Rather than throwing them away, you can cut them into sections to use for heavy spills. 


The key to setting yourself up for success is ensuring that you have essentials accessible. Whether it's reusable cloths or reusable shopping bags, having a stock of everyday items will prevent you from having to go out of your way to get it. The easier it is to grab your necessities, the less likely you'll be to rely on temporary solutions that are harmful to our environment.


When going "green," there's a common stereotype that you need to toss everything out all at once. Instead, use what you have until it runs out. For example, leftover plastic bags can be used to store home tools or small supplies rather than groceries. Once it feels reasonable to replace, swap it out with a more sustainable option from a trustworthy and eco-conscious store such as Eco + Armour or Logan and Finley

To learn more about the positive impact you can make on our environment, check out Candice's Zero-Waste Shopping Guide for Ontario, British Colombia, Nova Scotia, Alberta, Quebec and Manitoba

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