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The newest tech products that'll help you sleep better at night

They'll even help solve your snoring!
August 27, 2019 10:19 a.m. EST
August 27, 2019 10:19 a.m. EST

If you have a tough time sleeping at night, tech expert Amber MacArthur has the latest tech products that'll totally change the way you sleep! She's got everything from sleeping masks, duvets and noise-masking earbuds. You'll never go back to regular sleeping routine again. 

Endy Duvet 

If you're looking for a duvet cover this tech-forward option from Endy is the way to go! It's lightweight has is made with Phase Changing Material (PCM) fibres that'll actually help regulate your body's temperature while you sleep so you're never too hot or too cold. The best part? The Endy Duvet cover ships free and you can easily return it within 60 days.

$270 via Endy

The Awair 2nd edition

Whether you notice it or not, your home is filled with tons of bacteria and other chemicals in the air. This device tracks invisible dust, C02, humidity levels and provides recommendations to help you sleep better through the night. The Awair Glow plugs into the wall and also syncs with an app that shows colours depending on the air quality. 

$119 via Awair

Track your beauty sleep 

If you're not sure how much sleep you're getting at night, the Beautyrest Sleeptracker Monitor is perfect for you! These sensors go under your mattress and have sensors that track your body movement, wakefulness, respiration and heart rates. The sensors will then sync it with an app you can look back at your results. 

Beautyrest Sleeptracker Monitor, $242 via Amazon

Illumy Smart Sleep Mask

Forget your regular sleeping mask and go for an innovative night mask! The Illumy uses the same light technology that NASA uses to help induce natural sleeping cycles in space. The mask uses beta light pulses to help regulate your bodies natural sleep and triggers that might wake you up. This mask is also really helpful if you hate being woken up by the sound of an alarm because it has silent alarm settings. 

$169.99, via Amazon 

Snorelab App

Have you ever been told you snore but you're not sure if you believe them? This lab will track, measure and even record your snoring at night. In the morning you can look back and see your snore score and find out when and how loudly you snored. Within the app you'll alos be able to log and track your lifestyle and the factors that might be causing you to snore. 

Free or premium versions via SnoreLab 

Bose Noise-masking sleepbuds

If you live in a house with kids or a loud city, some noise cancelling earbuds might do the trick! These earbuds are made to soote sounds and cover unwanted noise. Instead of listening to music, they're made to drown out sounds that might make it harder for you to fall asleep. Plus you can choose the sounds from a library, how long you want the buds to play for, control the volume and set an alarm!

$329.99 via Amazon

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